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After repeated complaints of misuse of Gurdwara funds by the office-bearers of the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC), now Gurmukhi (Punjabi) script is being vanished away from the Committee.

The present Committee is giving preference to English language thereby ignoring the Gurmukhi whereas as per DSGMC rules it is clearly defined in its aim and objectives to give utmost preference for the promotion of Gurmukhi script.

Recently letters appointing Chairman and Managers of different Gurdwaras, schools and Institutions have been issued in English language by the office-bearers of DSGMC, whereas some time back a Chartered Accountant was appointed as Head of the Accounts Section of DSGMC whose candidature was rejected during the process for Co-option of members in the year 2021 merely because such person was unable to read and write Gurmukhi.

The questions are raised by the DSGMC management that what was the compulsion to appoint such a person to the prime post in DSGMC and how will he handle the accounts whereas he is unable to read the office-notes, vouchers and approval of the managements which are in Gurmukhi script?

After the recent Delhi Gurdwara elections held in the year 2021, about 2 dozen Election Petitions are pending against different winning members of DSGMC, some of which are relating to non-knowing of Gurmukhi language due to which there are ample chances of cancellation of their memberships.

Such members should resign from their memberships on moral grounds because how they will promote Sikhism without having any knowledge of Gurmukhi Script. The DSGMC management should focus on the promotion and promulgation of Sikhism and Gurmukhi while shunning away their personal and political motives and also restrain themselves in doing day-to-day work of DSGMC in English language.

About the author:
Inder Mohan Singh

Inder Mohan Singh Inder Mohan Singh, an expert in Delhi Gurdwara elections is a member of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee. While in government service with the Delhi government he was behind the conduct of Gurdwara body polls from 1977 to 2006. He takes active part in religious deliberations in the Delhi Gurdwara body.

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