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Women born twice before her death

The word, women, if we break it into: wo and men then we can learn that it is the men who are subsumed into women not the women into men.

Women born twice before her death, one her actual birth when she is given a name and a surname and the second is when she gets married where her first name in some cases changes but her last name (Surname) usually changes. Her identity that she has been carrying since many years disappears all of a sudden. In India, the matter of changing the surname of women is not left to her will but has been made a tradition. Various studies conducted on the same issue claim that women tend to change their surname to become a part of a boy’s family and to have emotional belongingness with them.

These logics are mere mundane.  Women leave everything behind and join a new family, Isn’t it enough to become a member of a new family? Why is the assurance of changing the surname required?  How we (Women) can forget our very existence, our actual, complete name that reflected on our school notebooks and the many glories we have in the form of our certificates. 

If this issue is not something to be discussed or given attention, then for once, let us try and ask the boy to change his surname with the girl’s surname. If he agrees, let us celebrate and if not then let us make the change and not change our surnames. 

The matter is not about feminism but about the equality, equality to compromise, equality to share.

We call our society a male dominating society but we need to understand that we (women) are carrying the domination for the present and for the future daughters.

About the author:
Shruti Bansal

Shruti Bansal The writer, Shruti Bansal, is a Research Scholar and she worked with Chandigarh Group of Colleges (CGC, Landran) as an Assistant Professor. She is an avid reader and writer and has published one Fiction Novel “JOURNEY OF THE LETTERS”. She loves to write poems and articles on current issues.

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