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He was a non-entity on the political canvas of China until 2010. Within ten years, 1953 born, the trailblazer leader has swiftly made the entire power in his country synonym to him; as head of the Communist Party, Military and the State and also established as a tallest leader among the powers that be in the world.

As his meteoric rise can’t be explained (in a short writing), we dissect his exuberant life full of action, at a time when he’s in the midst of a controversy and blamed for global spread of life subsuming COVID19 disease.

The high-profile leader belonging to China’s elite family, lived in a cave as an exiled farmer in farthest countryside, to becoming nothing short of a dictator who now is not bound by any time deadline to remain at the country’s top post. After taking up the top posts of General Secretary of the Communist Party and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, he became the President in March 2013.


1.     Educated by a farmer in a remote village when he was a teenager, Jingping made nine unsuccessful attempts to become a member of the Communist Party. In 1974, he succeeded in his tenth endeavor.

2.     In 1975, the 22-year-old Jingping was admitted to Tsinghua University, Beijing to study chemical engineering, and later worked at the Central Military Commission as former defense minister Geng Biao’s secretary. Over the next two decades, Xi advanced his political career through various counties, municipal, and provincial leadership positions across the country.


3. He married a singer Peng Liyuan, ten years younger to him, 33-years ago. She’s referred to as “Mama Peng” by the Chinese population out of love and respect. For many years after their marriage, Peng was more popular than her husband. This was Xi’s second marriage, his first wife remains unknown.

4. Peng remained major-general in a musical troupe of People’s Liberation Army and is also the World Health Organisation’s Ambassador for tuberculosis.

5. Xi and Peng have a daughter called Xi Mingze, born in 1992 under the one-child policy, studied at Harvard University under a pseudonym. Many in Harvard say her father’s real identity was not revealed.

6. Son of a powerful communist revolutionary Xi Zhingxun, he builds a nationwide narrative in his favor as one who grew as a cave-dwelling farmer. That helped him with validation to rise steadily to the top of the Chinese Communist Party.


7.  As the son of former vice-premier Xi Zhingxun, who fought alongside Mao Zedong in the Chinese civil war, Jinping is no stranger to politics, Jingping was referred as a ‘prince’ who later declared an outcast when his father was punished in 1962 for supporting criticism of Chairman Mao.

8. Xi accepted that initially he wasn’t accustomed to countryside hard work, and after just three months fled back to Beijing where he was locked up for half a year as a penalty.

9. In 1969 his only option to escape was to return to Liangjiahe village in Yan’an, the famous revolutionary base, where he spent the remaining six years in poverty, doing labour and adjusting to living in the cave homes that were dug into the hillsides.


10. Xi managed a constitutional amendment in March 2018 that removed the country’s ten-year presidential term limit, to make him rule until he’s alive. His political theory was inserted into the constitution, which no other leader has done in the past.

11. Unlike his predecessor Hu Jintao, who chose to keep himself relatively “faceless”, Xi used life story for larger acceptance, mud cave where he lived now is a place of pilgrimage for the population of the hardcore communist nation.

12. Earlier Jinping served across four provinces and in the municipality of Shanghai at different levels. One of the more prominent positions Xi held was as party chief of Zhejiang province, from 2002 to 2007, where he supported local private enterprises and oversaw strong economic growth.

13. His achievements in Zhejiang won him the support of political elites, and when former Communist Party head of Shanghai Chen Liangyu was sacked in one of China’s corruption scandals of 2006, Xi was chosen to replace him

14.  Xi’s appointment as vice-president in March 2008 ascertained his climb to post, positioned to succeed Hu as President. His tirade against corruption made him enormously popular among the Chinese people, and simultaneously created many enemies among the elite.

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  1. Reading this article, I found Chinese Premier has an extraordinary life..
    That’s why he is leading such a big nation.
    What internally is happening in China and the blame it is getting for spreading coronavirus is a separate story..

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