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Ravneet Kaur is a dynamic leader, brimming with enthusiasm and imbued with boundless energy. She distinguishes herself through her unwavering dedication to her work and her profound compassion for those she serves.

The Indian market faces a multitude of challenges from an antitrust perspective. In effectively tackling these challenges, Ravneet Kaur, Chairperson of the Competition Commission of India (CCI), plays a pivotal role in ensuring robust enforcement, fostering fair competition, and continuously monitoring market dynamics. Kaur, the second woman to serve as an ‘economic regulator’ after Madhabi Puri Buch, brings her expertise to the forefront at a time when artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various sectors and industries.

“This is indeed a fascinating assignment. With the new Competition Amendment Act 2023, numerous developments are poised to take shape. As rapid technological advancements unfold, new frameworks are being established,” remarked Ravneet Kaur, demonstrating her intellectual acumen and leadership prowess in guiding the office she leads.

Historically, challenges such as market dominance and potential abuses by major tech conglomerates, data privacy concerns, platform policies, self-preference, and market concentration have hindered fair competition, particularly in merger and acquisition activities. Kaur assumed her role during a period when the CCI was actively investigating tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook for alleged anti-competitive practices.

While these challenges persist, new ones emerge, including issues related to blockchain and algorithmic collusion. “But I believe nothing is insurmountable,” asserts the resilient and determined leader.

A graduate of the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, and a Hubert H. Humphrey fellow at Cornell University, New York, Ravneet Kaur has held several pivotal positions within the Government of India and the State Government of Punjab during her illustrious 34-year career as a bureaucrat in the Indian Administrative Service. As a Punjab cadre officer, she has led various departments in Punjab as a Special Chief Secretary and also served as a Joint Secretary in the Government of India on multiple occasions.

During her tenure as Chairperson and Managing Director of the India Tourism Development Corporation (2017–2019), she spearheaded numerous initiatives that revolutionized the tourism sector in the country. Recognizing her significant contributions to the growth of tourism in India, she was honored with the ISAW Women Achiever Award for ‘Professionalism in Management’ at the ITB (International Tourism Fair) in Berlin.

“It has been an immensely fulfilling journey, filled with opportunities to serve the public good. I have remained steadfast and committed, never ceasing to learn,” reflects the bureaucrat. A staunch advocate for gender equality, she champions equal opportunities for all. The values she upholds in every aspect of her life were instilled by her parents, whom she regards as her role models. Her father, a distinguished bureaucrat in Punjab, profoundly influenced her career trajectory. “The principles of integrity, dedication, and public service that I witnessed in my father have been transformative in my life. I strive to embody these values in my daily work,” shares Ravneet Kaur, who consistently embodies grace, humility, and compassion

About the author:
Arvind Kaur

Arvind Kaur The writer, Arvind Kaur, is a computer professional and works as a systems manager in a public enterprise. She has a flare for writing and compiling facts, information and historic events from the available sources. She takes note of issues concerning mankind and the environment.

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