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“Positive” what a word!

A word too has good vibes, straight outlook and calmness in our life.

This word “positive” was a charismatic word for me also before being COVID + (positive). How the meaning of a word has changed in different circumstances and how that changed meaning changes our perspective in those circumstances?

The words positive and negative also have the same fate in this pandemic period. Throughout our life we have learnt and we have also taught to be positive in life. But in this pandemic period when we came to know that ‘He is positive, she is positive or they are positive’, we ran away from that positivity. Still we called them and told not to be tensed in this pandemic period and ‘be positive’. Wait! Don’t we know they are already positive.


They are dying to be negative. Some are positive to be negative soon but some are really dying because of being positive. People are being played with the play of positivity and negativity.

Though I am not an expert in math’s but I remember in school there were some adding and multiplying formula combinations of positive and negative numbers which used to make two pluses as a plus, two minuses as a plus and a plus and a minus as a minus. Remember! So does positive plus positive makes it positive, negative plus negative makes it positive and negative plus positive makes it negative? I don’t think so because mathematics can be applied for scientific formulas but not for human feelings and human behavior.

Our feelings do not understand mathematic formulas. I wonder how a little word can have drastic effect on our life. I am not talking about medical impact but the psychological effect i.e. impact on our mind and heart of being positive medically. The words positive and negative are interpreted by human mind according to feeling of heart. The people spreading happiness and good vibes are considered as positive people and the opposite ones as negative. But this time we are getting happiness in being negative. This pandemic period is not making us happy in being positive.

My Blood group is B+ (Positive). See I am positive since my birth and throughout my life I have been positive. Though sometimes, I was called a negative person, but even after receiving such criticism, I was positive. There was inner peace and calmness in being positive except this one. I was expecting that my test report will be negative because before this test, I was tested negative two times and this time also I didn’t have symptoms as such. There was so much positivity in being negative.

But this time I was positive. The moment I came to know about my report, I started laughing and told my husband, “see! I am a positive person”. Astonished he said how can you laugh in such situation. Smilingly I uttered, “a positive person can laugh on being positive because we will overcome this positive report only by being positive in this negative situation. If I become negative in this negative situation then I will die because unlike math negativity + negativity will not make it positivity.” But wait a minute! In this negative situation, do we want to remain positive or negative? Alas! We don’t want to remain positive.

We want to be negative. Negative in test report but positive to have feelings that I will be negative. O dear! What time has come? I am positive that I will be negative soon. What a confusion of emotions and feelings? I am dying to be negative because I do not want to die because of being positive. We all want positivity in our lives but not this one. I want to be positive that I will hug my infant daughter who was on breast feeding before my having been tested positive, my son and husband when I will be negative.

Ohhh! but let me ask them whether they will like to hug a negative person? Haha I think they will. They are also positive that I will be negative soon. Aah! What a game play of being positive and negative?

My son does not know what is being positive or negative either in medical terms or psychological terms? He says “Mamma ko corona ho gaya hai” and laughs. Then he says “Mamma aap jaldi theek ho jaoge”. He is so positive that I will be negative soon. But he wants to come to me which, is not allowed then his positivity turns into negativity because he doesn’t understand why he is not allowed to meet me or hug me. My kid! For your own positivity, I mean negativity. Ohh I am so confused. I want my kids to know that they are negative and their mother will be negative soon. But do they understand such heavy words with heavier interpretation? No they don’t understand words or interpretations but they do understand my positive feelings and eagerness to be negative soon.

They are kids, they only know how to laugh and cry. Don’t we know laughing is positive and crying is negative. Is it so? But when I was tested positive I laughed, and that laugh was not positive and when I gave birth to my son, I cried but that cry was not negative. Positive and negative are just English words interpreted by us according to our circumstances. What is positive in one situation can be negative in other situation and vice versa. In this pandemic period being positive is not positive thing and being negative is not negative thing.

Now being negative is positive thing and being positive is negative thing. Confused? Don’t be. It is just a phase which will pass soon and being positive will be a positive thing again. I am positive that not only me but all will be negative soon. This virus will go forever and this coronavirus positivity will never come. Till then be positive in thoughts and feelings and be negative in test reports.

A corona positive person waiting to be negative soon!

About the author:
Huma Parvez

Huma Parvez Chandigarh based Huma Parvez is an avid writer and a motivator. With a command over pen she can write on a variety of subjects.

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