Know who we are? is a moderating platform, for news, views, opinion and analysis on any subject under the earth.

We take pleasure in inviting you to write, speak up your mind, about any issue concerning the world, or the subject of your liking, or the expertise you possess to make a difference to the global society we are living, even if in a negligible way.

We are against spreading rumors and hatred. Here we speak about issues, about the people, the incidents, experiences, and much more… except the hatred.

For publishing on the, there’s no word limit.

It’s a platform that doesn’t takes into consideration race, colour, ideologies or political affiliations of the writers.  All are welcome!

One may be critical of other’s viewpoint, however, no spreading of abhorrence.

It’s a visual world, so photos are welcome and very soon we would start accepting videos too.

The users can initiate a debate on any issue. So make a beginning, hook up to and join us over issue-to-issue.

You can send your articles via the Whatsapp on +91 988 823 3348. A picture with the article, a photo of yours and a bio (60-100 words), would be appreciated.

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Director of Arizona state university’s center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science and serves on the faculty of the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning and the School of Earth and Space Exploration “The Global Safety Net is a powerful global roadmap to mitigate climate change and avert the collapse of our natural biological infrastructure. The GSN is actionable at all scales, from local to national, but it is imperative that national governments act quickly to develop detailed action plans to achieve these goals”
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