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The three new farm bills passed in the Indian Parliament in September month of 2020 would satisfy international big traders and lessen the international pressure to open agriculture to free trade with India – a move to get International recognition.

Currently facing a widespread  from the farmers the three laws reforms — Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act intends to Help companies like Reliance, Adani, ITC etc to start rural marketing – a step toward economic centralisation and control. 

These companies would open so called Service centres in each village and buy all the crops and provide and sell all the inputs and services, provide good quality seeds and advice on fertilisers, pesticides, give loans/ open banks and even start entertainment centres etc. and the farmers would be tempted to enter into contracts which would be exceptionally favourable to big corporations. This is a sort of trap for the farmers.

Poor farmers would not understand the language of contracts, and not in position to fight the big corporations

The poor farmers would not even understand the language of contracts and would not be in position to fight the big corporations in cases of disputes.

Over a period of time there would be collectivisation of land. The small farms would be aggregated to form big farms to enable use of mechanical machinery. 

The current boundaries would disappear and farmers would not be even able to recognise their small holdings of lands.

The farmers would lose control of land and move to cities and become poor over a period of time.

There would be instability. The assets/ land/ money would move to the rich and the poor would become poorer. The disparities in wealth distribution and incomes would increase. 


The land use would change and crops which can bring high returns for corporations would be cultivated and food insecurity would increase. 

The science has developed new technologies which would be used to give increased productivity and incomes to farmers over short period of time but these corporations would start narrowing their profits by increasing the costs of inputs and by lowering prices of their crops and would have power to destroy total crop in cases where the farmers try to change their loyalties. Specific Diseases can be created to destroy total crop.

Currently the poor farmers grow all types of crops, small amount of vegetables, some green fodder etc. and are able to survive even during difficult/adverse situations. 

Once they enter into contracts, this would change and they would not be able to do these activities.


Initially the farmer’s income would increase and international media would call the change a great revolution and the government would get acclaim in every media channel but it would not be long that India would become like America, France and Latin American and European countries. Their farms are getting bigger and margins smaller and smaller. All small farmers have been systematically eased out. 

Modi Ji would also get Noble prize/ international food prizes for making revolutionary changes, through the active support of big corporations. 

Removing curb on storage quantities would help exploitation. 

I think all this is happening under pressure from Modi  jee’s financers and international pressure.  India would also boast some of richest men/ women in the world.

I am against current Mandi system and role of middle men but I don’t think the new bills are the solution. I feel it would lead to extensive destruction. 


Any comparison with Amul village market is not correct. In Amul system Of Dairy Development, the majority of marketing is controlled by farmers. As much as 84 to 86 paisa of every rupee obtained from consumers goes to producers. Even profits go to producers. 

In the changed environments, everything would go to Ambani , Adanis, and other powerful corporations. 

AMUL model is the socialist model: fair distribution of money among the people but the proposed model is a ultimate in Capitalistic model- even the land would be under the control of a few rich people. 

MSP is not the real issue – as in my thinking, the farmers incomes would increase in the short run. The productivity and quality of crop would also improve but over a period of time it would be Ambani’s and Adanis and their ilk who would take control of every thing like Jews and farmers would be consistently forced out of farming.

In Punjab , there are not very rich people or corporations nor very poor people. Though middle men are not liked but situation is not as bad as in Maharashtra etc.

The proposed laws are going to have radical changes in economic of Punjab. It would further weaken Sikhs who are able to survive because of their land holdings and earnings from their children working in foreign countries. It would the end of Punjabi culture and beginning of Bania Raj. 

Of course Gujarati would become strong and have a stranglehold over most of North India and Modi jee would continue to be PM / dictator till he is alive or replaced by another clever Gujarati. 

Incidentally who have been the fraudsters in India – Natwar Lal, Harshad Mehta, Nirav Modi, Mehal Chokshi, or people behind some of the biggest scandals; the Mundra scandal, stock market scandal, Teja loan scandal etc. What were their common traits? 

India is now in the midst of biggest scandal. Also it would be interesting to learn where the bills were drafted and who were the people directly connected with their drafting. It would be interesting to follow their professional career.

About the author:
JS Punjrath

JS Punjrath The writer, JS Punjrath had formal education from top most Institutions Cornell & Michigan State University. He remained head of the department of dairy engineering at NDRI, Karnal and played a role in the world famous operations flood along with Dr. V. Kurien. He also worked as head of Milkfed, Punjab and Cargill Sri Lanka and a consultant to World Bank and an advisor to Velocity Capital of Netherlands for setting up a large dairy projects in Ethiopia. After his retirement as Executive Director from NDDB, and he served as technical advisor to GCMMF.

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